JSP Visual Week In Review ~ 06.15.24



Wow, days just seem to be rushing by right now.

The baseball season is quickly coming to a close – Regular season is over, Travel ball is over. Just a few All Star tournaments for Matt and the  his spring season will be done.

Chase’s 8th grade season is over and, later today, he’ll play in his Travel ball championship.

He had his 8th grade semi-formal this past week and he graduates on Wednesday.

My daughter, Liv, finishes up her Junior year in high school this week, and every weekend since Memorial Day has been playing with a Travel marching band unit called the Bushwhackers. (they perform at events and parades in the tri-state area until August when they have a big competition in Indianapolis. I don’t see her much.)

It’s already mid-June. Nearly midsummer

And it’s Father’s Day today.

I’m thinking about my Dad today, of course.

And my kids growing up and how things happen in a flash as everyone says they would.

“The days are long but the years go fast” as the saying goes.

Last night, we were in my place after a long day in the sun at baseball games and then our Rec league Closing Ceremonies. Me and the boys got back to my place and I walked the dogs and then took about  45 minute nap. I was exhausted. It was a gorgeous day.

I woke up, ordered pizza and buffalo wings for us. Me and the boys ate, then went to fields where I threw some batting practice to them. Came back around 8:15, the cooler evening air was filtering through my balcony screen door.

I was on the couch reading, Chase was in their room, the dogs were sacked out. Matt had on the Oilers/Panthers hockey game, eating an ice pop.

He looked around and said “I’m here with my dad and the puppies, watching hockey, eating an ice pop. I’m really happy.”

That made me smile.

Simple things.

I wish that for all of us.

(Edit 6/17/24: Apologies…was supposed to published this yesterday, hence the present tense of some of this. But I got home late from my son’s baseball games and was just wiped out to publish. So, a day late but still in your algorithm-free In-box.  Oh…and Chase’s team won the Championship…Matt’s team too runner-up.)



This Week’s Links:

What I’m Reading This Week:  Working on Chocolat and also Only What’s Necessary: Charles Schultz and the Art of Peanuts. Trying to get into Finnegan’s Week, too, but it’s not sticking.

What I Watched This Week: 50 percent of Hitman. Need to finish, I hear there’s a twist.

Favorite Image I Saw This Week:  Neo-noir-ish gorgeousness via @Jody9;  Some rockabilly, via @David Vega

Glassy Eyed: A Process to Process, via Chris Glass

Glazed Over: Brian Glazer. Scarlett Johannsson. Prada. Watch here.

Explore ’64: A new gallery exhibit looks at a pivotal year in US history, via Monroe Gallery

Looking Ahead: 10 Big Things We Think Will Happen In The Next 10 Years, via Vox. (Some of these seem outlandish, some hopeful. The one about land animals, though, really is giving me pause to my eating habits. I’ve been very high-animal protein these last few months as I’ve shed about 15 lbs. I know I can get my protein from other sources than red meat and chicken. Perhaps I need to do more of that. 11.6 billion seems staggeringly high.)

On Being Open:  “You don’t understand,” Michael Jackson once said, “if I’m not here there to receive these ideas, God might give them to Prince.” via a good piece to being open to ideas, by Auston Kleon.

© Mark V. Krajnak | JerseyStyle Photography | All Rights Reserved 2024

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