JSP Visual Week In Review ~ 03.24.18

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One of the (very many) benefits of my job is that I have a good amount of flexibility with my hours, and that I work from home now.

Since my main job is to oversee a website, and my development (dev team in my parlance) is in Belgium and Brazil, I do a lot of work early in the day, which frees up my afternoons.

Taking advantage of this, for the past month, I’ve been helping out in Chase’s second-grade class on Fridays for their Meet The Artist project. For four weeks in March, myself and three other parents (moms, actually) would teach the kids about different artists: Grandma Moses, Picasso, Kandinsky and Jackson Pollack.

Every Thursday, the moderator would send us some information about the artist we were going to learn about. The middle school has artwork by these artists (and others) hanging in the hallways. On Friday, one or two of us would take half the kids to see the piece of art, and tell them about the artist. The other half would stay in the classroom and have a short story read about the artist. Then we would flip.

Once both of those actions were completed, the kids would all then create some art in the style of the artist we learned about.

It was fun and challenging. Trying to get 26 second-graders learn about Picasso is fun…an challenging. I know my grade school never did anything like this. Heck, not even sure my high school did. I don’t think I knew who Kandinsky was until I saw Six Degrees of Separation in my 20s.

Hopefully, the kids all learned something and maybe will remember this in the future. Yesterday, the last Meet The Artist, they all got certificates of completion.

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(Unfortunately, Chase isn’t in this photo. When I got to the school, he was sitting at his desk, not feeling well. Turns out, he had spiked a 101 degree temp, and wasn’t up to participating or even jumping into the photo. Still feeling the effects today, but getting better.)


This Week’s Links:

Happy birthday today to Edward Weston

What I read this week: Ask The Dust by John Fante. I don’t see what the big deal is.

What I watched this week: Pollock (of course.)

Nothing like window light.

Corporate life of the 1970s

The Rise of The Photographer Film

Five Things You Can Do To Improve Your Portfolio (maybe I should have read this BEFORE I put together a music portfolio

50 Years of Joel Meyerowitz

“I would say to any artist: ‘Don’t be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better.” ~ Edward Weston

© Mark V. Krajnak | JerseyStyle Photography | All Rights Reserved 2018

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