Flashback: Bobby Mahoney

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“What’s the point of living if you ain’t on the run?” ~  Bobby Mahoney, Infamous

The New Jersey music news of the weekend is that Bobby Mahoney & The Seventh Son have a new release out today.

Click here to check out the new EP on Bandcamp.

You may remember, back in late August of last year, I photographed Bobby for my  “Musicians & The Mosaic” personal project.

I then photographed him later that week in August at his House of Independents show and, still later in the year, at The Stone Pony, when he opened for Gaeten Matarazzo’s band.


Center: James McIntosh Rear (L-R): John Shepard, Andrew Saul, Bobby Mahoney, Zack Sandler

Bobby and his band puts out some very solid New Jersey rock ‘n roll. For a cat so young (he’s just in his early ’20s) he’s well on his way to putting his imprint on the Jersey Sound.

In light of this new EP release this weekend, I went back and pulled a few other photos from that August shoot.

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Bobby Mahoney_clr_082017_MG_9377

Portraits were done with natural light, of course, outside of the Empress Hotel, right on Ocean Ave in Asbury Park.

For two of the portraits, I used a simple black tri-fold poster board that you can get at Staples, WalMart or a crafts store, as my background. Had it clipped to a lightstand and viola! – An easy and cost-effective, clean background.

And here’s a fav from that show in late December at The Stone Pony. Bobby already know how to work the stage and have fun with is audience.BM_sunglasses_122017_MG_4116

If you’re looking for some good New Jersey rock ‘n roll, go check out Bobby Mahoney & The Seventh Son’s new EP. I think you’ll like it.

© Mark V. Krajnak | JerseyStyle Photography | All Rights Reserved 2018

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